2000 years ago, hidden away in some obscure part of the Empire, two woman of deep faith greeted one another in inexpressible joy. Old faith and young faith. The miraculous conception of a child to a barren old woman and the miraculous conception of a child to a young virgin. Today, we pilgrims visited the Church of the Visitation in Ein Karem. This beautiful church, buried in the hill country of Judea, is the location venerated by Christians from early days as the place of the Visitation of Mary to her kinswoman, Elizabeth.

The moment after receiving God’s Word within her, Mary was compelled to share her joy with the world. She began sharing this joy with Elizabeth, her kinswoman and continues to share it with us today. Mary’s joyful Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55) is a deep and joyful reflection on God’s mercy throughout history, extending into the present. The joy of this mercy was clearly felt by us as we contemplated the meeting of Mary and Elizabeth on this sacred site.
What a beautiful place to reflect and pray.--Monica